Meet the Directors

Brett Cook

Brett Cook

I joined Meadows in 2007 as an accounts junior and qualified in 2012 after previously working in retail. Out of work, my two young children keep me busy / entertained, and for my sins I’m an Arsenal fan!

David Kelland

David Kelland

I joined Meadows from college many years ago and am still here. When I’m not enjoying work, until recently I played cricket for Isham, but my passion for food and drink overcame my love of playing. I still play golf occasionally and I’m a committed fan and season ticket holder at Northampton Saints.

Dermot Lally

Dermot Lally

I joined Meadows over 30 years ago and still enjoy every single working day here. I have two young children who certainly take up a lot of my spare time and more but they keep me young! If I do get any spare time I enjoy playing pool and in my younger days I played for the county. I am Chair of Governors at a local school, treasurer of the local Royal British Legion and sit on the East Midlands Loan Panel.

Doug Parker

Doug Parker

I am just an accident waiting to happen. Having a titanium plate put into my shoulder after a riding accident, stitches in my head after a sailing accident I have now taken up a new much safer hobby………………………………shooting!

Gavin Snape

Gavin Snape

After qualifying in 2004 I have spent most of my post qualification years at Meadows, joining the firm in 2006. Outside of the office family life keeps me busy and with 3 young children time for hobbies is at a premium. On occasion however I can be seen wandering aimlessly around a golf course and cheering on Derby County FC (for my sins) but overall I enjoy nothing more than spending quality time with the family and friends.